
God – With or Without Religion



This is a book about good people from all walks of life coming together no matter their beliefs or unbelief’s, with or without God, with or without religion.

The light of united goodness can overshadow the darkness now permeating throughout our world if only we’d let it.

It talks of uniting the world rather than keeping it divided as it is now. It is a book of love, peace and of coming together. A coming together of all people no matter what race, religion, age, size, sex, colour, lifestyle preferences or anything else.

We as individuals make up God’s Church, not buildings or religion. People leaving religion have also left God behind – why have they? Can they come back to Him – would they want to?

It also explores about supernatural gifts and how to test the spirits of those dead and living. A subject the church refuses to acknowledge, thereby pushing so many into false gods and spiritual practices.

This book is packed with far more than is able to be listed here, but it is a book everyone should read if they want to make a difference to the world we see and live in today.

Now available to buy on Amazon



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