
Climate Change – The Truth No one Wants to Hear

The world was told almost nine years ago what was to happen to our world and we’re watching it right now. Record breaking floods, wildfires, heat, cold, rain, snow, reversal of temperatures in various countries. Extinct and dormant volcanoes we were told would awaken and so much more is all being seen – just as predicted and foretold us in detail. 

THIS is the reality of what needs to happen – will you listen? Do you even care? Climate leaders have been warning us for decades and now, we’re living the reality. CLICK HERE to see what we can do to change it.   

People seem to think this has only just started being warned about, but people have been telling us for many years – it’s just so few cared to listen. To read the Predictions given in 2012 that foretold what we’re now living click here

One book, published under two different titles so it reaches more people. Dare you read it? Will you share this truth?



To see more about Lorraine and for daily prayers she has been asked to share with you, please click on the page headings at the top of the blog.

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and CLICK HERE for her prayer group, Everlasting Prayers

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